EWC ~Last Call for Garbage Totes Pickup

Wednesday, February 21st will be the final day of pickup. There are less than 10 that haven’t been picked up yet. If you need to switch to a different size, call Town Properties.

For a pickup, please tape a large message to Pick Up this Tote. Every can with a note last Wednesday were picked up.

A pickup truck will follow up behind the garbage truck. Towne Properties will have a representative, as will Waste Management to deal with any issues so we can finished with this changeover.

EWC Board

Pickup of any old trash totes

In regard to the pickup of any old trash totes or totes you do not want to keep, please place them on the curb for pickup this Wednesday morning, 2/14/2024, with a big sign on each tote you want removed, “PLEASE REMOVE TOTE”. 

Waste Management will attempt to remove all of the trash bins from the property but if they don’t take the unwanted totes on Wednesday, please repeat the same steps the following trash day.

EWC Board

EWC ~ Waste Management Bin Delivery

We just got an email with an apology from the Waste Management account manager stating that deliveries of new bins will now be spread over the next 3 weeks.  Some of you got your bins this morning.  While we are clearly disappointed in the last minute changes we ask your understanding as we work through this.  If you want your old personal bin picked up, put it out with the new bin on trash collection day.

Board of Directors, The Estates at Willow Creek